Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

1 event,

3 events,


YOGA in Gregory Park


Seafood & Meat Raffle at The Woods

2 events,


Trivia Mafia at Yesterday’s Gone

2 events,

2023 Crosslake Days

8 events,

Jacktoberfest 2023 at Jack Pine Brewery


Baxter Farmers Market


Hike the Trails at Mount Ski Gull


Sunset Dinner Cruise on Gull Lake


It’s Murder Dontcha Know? A Brainerd Community Theatre Performance

9 events,

Rumble on the Rails


Saturday Night Lights-Wristband Night! at Northland Kart Kountry


Bruce Burniece at CC’s Bar

6 events,


Studio Explorations at the WonderTrek Play Lab


Gabriel’s Home Fall Festival Fundraiser

1 event,

1 event,


Brainerd Farmers Market

2 events,


Lakes Area United Way Chili Cook-Off


Pints for a Purpose: Mounted Eagles

1 event,


Nisswa Farmers Market

3 events,

- Recurring

Quattroberfest at Brainerd International Raceway

6 events,

Oktoberfest Pub Crawl

- Recurring

Quattroberfest at Brainerd International Raceway

3 events,

- Recurring

Quattroberfest at Brainerd International Raceway


Enchanted April – A GLAPA & Pequot Lakes Community Theater Production

1 event,


Rendezvous at Confidence Learning Center – Fall Fest

1 event,

2 events,


Sushi Rolling Class at Gather On 3

4 events,


Paul’s Oktoberfest Picnic Fundraiser


Rendezvous at Confidence Learning Center – Fall Fest


Brainerd Fire Department Open House

- Recurring

The Laramie Project – A Stage North Theatre Performance

7 events,

BashBros Drifttober Bash @ BIR

Haunted Hidden Hollows – Paul Bunyan Land


Night of Hope


Noah Sonie, Illusionist & Mentalist at Chalberg Theatre


Babinski Foundation Haunted Trail

- Recurring

The Laramie Project – A Stage North Theatre Performance

11 events,


Spooky Market! Art Pop-up Event at Coco Moon


Fall Arts & Craft Festival at BHS


Crossing Arts Creativity Kit Giveaway


Halloween Cookie Decorating Workshop at Knotty Pine Bakery


The Babinski Foundation Fall Festival


The Great Pumpkin Festival

Babinski Foundation Haunted Trail

- Recurring

The Laramie Project – A Stage North Theatre Performance

8 events,


Breakfast at the Brainerd VFW


Studio Explorations at the WonderTrek Play Lab


The Laramie Project – A Stage North Theatre Performance


Heartland Symphony Orchestra Fall Concert

1 event,

2 events,


Youth on Stage Open Mic Set at Ya Sure Kombucha

5 events,


Babinski Foundation Microchip Clinic


Pints for a Purpose: Let’s Go Fishing!

7 events,

Haunted Trail – Northland Arboretum

- Recurring

DIY Glow-In-The-Dark Bug Soap Class at the Purple Fern Bath Company


Women’s Circle at Coco Moon

11 events,


Fish Fry at The Woods


Baxter Farmers Market

- Recurring

DIY Glow-In-The-Dark Bug Soap Class at the Purple Fern Bath Company


Meat Raffle at The Brainerd American Legion

- Recurring

Haunted Hidden Hollows at Paul Bunyan Land

13 events,

- Recurring

DIY Glow-In-The-Dark Bug Soap Class at the Purple Fern Bath Company


Johnny Holm Band at Gather on 3 Event Center

- Recurring

Haunted Hidden Hollows at Paul Bunyan Land

8 events,


Studio Explorations at the WonderTrek Play Lab


Yoga & Qigong at notice wellness

2 events,

3 events,


Seafood Raffle at The Woods

3 events,

4 events,

Camp Spooktacular

- Recurring

Brainerd Community Theatre Presents Silent Sky

8 events,

Haunted Hidden Hollows – Paul Bunyan Land


Fish Fry at The Woods

- Recurring

Brainerd Community Theatre Presents Silent Sky

14 events,


Downtown Brainerd Spooktacular 2023


Spooktacular Cookie Decorating


Trunk or Treat – The Woods


MNH&V Spooktackular Safety Trunk or Treat Event


Ascension Fest!

- Recurring

Brainerd Community Theatre Presents Silent Sky


Halloween Bash at The Parlor


Halloween at The Side Track

8 events,


Studio Explorations at the WonderTrek Play Lab


Halloween Bash – Northern Pacific Center


Scary BINGO at The Center


Crosby Fall Festival

2 events,


Painting Lessons at Franklin Arts


Cribbage Tourney at Jack Pine Brewery

7 events,




Halloween Party – Essentia health

2 events,


Pints for a Purpose: YMCA


Glow In The Dark Yoga at notice wellness

3 events,

- Recurring

Brainerd Community Theatre Presents Silent Sky

- Recurring

BHS Fall Play: David and Lisa

6 events,

- Recurring

Weave a Holiday Table Runner


Meat Raffle at The Brainerd American Legion

- Recurring

Brainerd Community Theatre Presents Silent Sky

- Recurring

BHS Fall Play: David and Lisa

8 events,

- Recurring

Weave a Holiday Table Runner

- Recurring

Brainerd Community Theatre Presents Silent Sky

- Recurring

BHS Fall Play: David and Lisa

3 events,


Studio Explorations at the WonderTrek Play Lab